Creating a new website requires some research and some question about how tocreate it and where I will host it, and where I will get a domain name for mysite, and a lot of questions that you have to ask before deciding where youwill host your website and what is the best hosting services provider to hosting my website .
If you go to a Google search and type the word ‘hosting service‘, youwill see many companies providing this service, but in this post, we willfocus on a particular company, and we will try to cover all aspects covered bythis company, this is the website gator hostgator company review.
What About HostGator? Introduction about the company!
HostGator is one of the biggest and best companies on the internet thatprovide services like web hosting and domain name and more.
The host gatorwebsite was founded in 2002, the company is headquarteredin Houston, Texas, USA, and the company is part of the Endurance InternationalGroup, owned by Bluehost and IP age, the company has other branches in theUnited States, India, and Brazil.
The company’s statistics on the day of writing this post says that it hostsmore than 10 million domains on its servers, and contains more than 850employees who support its customers day and night.
What services does the hostgator website provide?
The most important services provided by the HostGator site arehosting services and domain selling services, At the time of thesebasic services provided by the company, many other services are branched fromthem, which target a specific group of people, such as large companies orsites with large visitors.
The company boasts a 99.9% uptime guarantee for its servers, a free SSLcertificate wher the purchase of one of its services, and a free one-yeardomain.
Here is a list of some of the services that the company will provide you with:
- shared hosting
- Hostgator website builder
- WordPress hosting
- VPS hosting
- dedicated hosting
- shared hatchling plan
And other services you will get, such as:
- Free domain in the first buy for you
- The possibility of transferring domains or the entire site
- Infinite bandwidth
- The possibility of running without the server no dropping by 99.9%
- One-click installation of WordPress
- Free SSL Certificate
what is a HostGator website builder?
hostGator website builder is one of the great services provided by thecompany that enables you to build a complete website at a low price, whichputs all the basic features in one package, this plan is good for emergingwebsite owners who are looking to create a complete website with its fullfeatures at a low price.
HostGator website builder service will offer you several plans to create a lowprice website, and each plan will have additional features, but the commonfeature of all plans is the ability to get a free domain for a full year withfull protection by SSL certificate.
- Express start: 3.84/mo you get 50% off
- express site: 5.99/mo you get 50% off
- express store: 9.22/mo you get 50% off
Is a HostGator good for WordPress websites?
To choose the best WordPress hosts site, there are several factors thatthis hosting must-have in order to say that it is good hosting for my site,including hosting speed, security, good technical support, but many users whoused hostgator platform hosting praise their services and say that they arebetter A solution to start your new website due to the advanced servicesprovided by the company.
Like many other services provided by the hostgator platform, there are manyplans that you can get to create your site on WordPress.
- Starter plan: 5.95/mo: 40% off
- standard plan 7.95/mo 50% off
- business plan 9.95%/mo 57% off
Positives and Negatives of HostGator hosting services
Best website hosting does not mean that it does not contain pros andcons, and there is no product that you might say is a complete product, andthis also applies to Hostgator services, so we will put some positive andnegative points that we see from our point of view.
Pros HostGator
- Hosting service will offer you unlimited storage space
- You will have unlimited bandwidth
- Unlimited web hosting
- MySQL’s databases are not finished
- cPanel interface
- 99.9% uptime guarantee
- The possibility of money back within a maximum period of 45 days
- Free domine when your first by hosting
- free SSL certificate
- Support is slow to respond
- Some downtime on the server-side
- The backup feature requires additional fees
- Additional fees when renewing plans (hostings – domains)
Hostgator hosting plans & pricing
There are several very useful plans for the new website that Hostgator offersyou:
Hostgator hatchling plan: $2.57/mo: 60% off
- one website
- Install WordPress with one click
- Free cPanel / WordPress site transfer
- free bandwidth Unlimited
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free domain name when you buy from the site
hostgator baby plan — $3.50/mo: 65% off
- Install Unlimited Sites
- Install WordPress with one click
- The possibility of moving cPanel / WordPress site for free
- free bandwidth Unlimited
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free domain name when you buy from the site
hostgator business plan: $5.25/mo: 65% off
- Install Unlimited Sites
- Install WordPress with one click
- The possibility of moving cPanel / WordPress site for free
- free bandwidth Unlimited
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free domain name when you buy from the site
- Free blue SLL certificate upgrade
- private ip domain
- Providing free search engine optimization tools (SEO)
HostGator Coupon
The hostgator coupon code provides you with a lot of discounts thatthey put on all their available plans, and these are some of the discountsthat you will get if you want to start one of their plans.
- Hostgator coupon code Web Hosting Up to 60% off! — SNAPPY
- 20% off valid domains
- Up to 64% Reseller Hosting
- Up to 52% off Dedicated Hosting
- Up to 75% off VPS Hosting
- Up to 57% off WordPress Hosting
- Up to 50% off Gator Website Builder
- Up to 60% off Shared Web Hosting
Is HostGator services the Right Choice for You?
46% of website owners know the hostgator site, and it has become famous because of the powerful services and features it provides, and the support it provides for all the sectors that want to create a new site, so hostgator will be one of the preferred and reliable options if you want to create your new site on their hosts.
What are the suggested alternatives to the hostgator site?
There are many sites that provide the same services as hostgator, which arelarge and famous sites and have millions of users, and may be consideredbetter than hostgator site for some option, and to make it easier for you, wehave written an article explaining for The best 8 hosting websites for your new website in 2022 You can refer to it.