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Home Best 8 Chrome Extension To Make Browsing Easy For 2025

Best 8 Chrome Extension To Make Browsing Easy For 2025

Best 8 Chrome Extension To Make Browsing Easy For 2025
By Zouani
10 Aug-2022

With the continuous development of browsers, there has become a very urgentneed to search for the best ways to facilitate their used.

So you will need to resort to installing additional extensions that help youbrowse your tasks in the fastest possible way and easy.

The Google Chrome store provides a lot of good and very useful extensions,but each extension has a special purpose it was designed to do.

But we are looking for the best extensions that help us while browsing theInternet.

In this article, we will mention the 8 best extensions that I see from mypoint of view that they should be in every browser.

Because they greatly facilitate my work while using my browser, and make medo my work with ease.

What are the best useful Google Chrome extensions for me

Pushbullet Chrome Extension

pushbullet chromebook

One of the best powerful add-ons available on the add-ons store for GoogleChrome, Firefox and Opera browsers, and then it became available onMicrosoft’s Edge browser.

Does it stop here, of course not, as pushbullet offers the ability toinstall their app on Android as a complete app that you can access, as wellas a full software version for your Windows device.

Pushbullet helps you connect all your devices in one program, where you willbe able to exchange information and notifications between them, and manyother features provided by the application or browser extension.

All you need to access the features that pushbullet offers is a single Gmailor Facebook account linked across all your devices via the pushbullet app.

The pushbullet provides you with the ability to:

# pushbullet to send text messages (SMS)

The feature is not available for iPhone, you can send and receive messagesbetween your connected devices via pushbullet, and the feature is notlimited to text messages, but texts or paragraphs can be sent.

# Pushbullet to receive notifications

Pushbullet enables you to receive notifications about text messages that youreceive on your device, as notifications will appear on all devices orbrowsers connected via pushbullet, also supports Facebook notifications.

# Send links by pushbullet

One of my favorite features is the ability to send links to any connecteddevice via pushbullet.

The application or tool installed on the browser will recognize the links,and you will be able to share them with one click.

# Send files by pushbullet

The pushbullet official site provides you with a complete guide on how toshare your files with your devices, so the pushbullet official site willprovide you with everything you need to know how to share files.

Tab Suspender

tab suspender

One of the very important extensions that should be in any browser,especially Google Chrome browsers, as this browser is considered one of theworst browsers in terms of consuming the internal memory of the device.

As the more windows you open on the Google Chrome browser, you will noticethe higher RAM consumption and the temperature of your device, and we cansay that other browsers are not exempt from criticism.

And here you will definitely need a radical solution to this problem.

And the best solution is to install one of the special add-ons that enableyou to close open windows without deleting them from the browser, so thatyou can refer to them at another time.

There are many good extensions that offer you this solution and the best ofthem is the great suspender tool, but we will offer you an exclusiveextension, which I designed, with a very nice animated commentary interface.

Animated comment interface, where when you suspend on any page, you will seean interface of a bright starry sky, giving the page a feeling of comfortwhile viewing it.

You will be able to return to the page you suspended on directly afterclicking on the page title in the interface, and in future updates we willadd new capabilities to make the addition better.

Free vpn windscribe: Read Full Article

vpn similar to windscribe

Have you needed a very good VPN service, and free at the same time, then thebest destination for you is the Windscribe VPN service.

As the Windscribe service will provide you with the ability to connect tothe VPN service in one of the countries in the world and free.

The windscribe app or windscribe extension offers you the ability to get afree vpn with a capacity of 10 GB that is renewable every month for free andfor life.

Which is something less than what you will find on the Internet.

All you have to do is go to windscribe login and create a new account in it,then download one of the applications or extensions provided by windscribeto start benefiting from the free vpn service.

We have written an entire article on windscribe vpn, and you can read it infull to see what capabilities windscribe will offer you.

Vedio popout: Play YouTube video in popup window

Best 10 Chrome extension to make browsing easy for 2022

Do you like watching YouTube videos, but you have other activities to do onyour computer, which will lead to your videos being blocked, and you can’twatch them.

So then you need to install Video Popout extension and enjoy the bestviewing YouTube video experience.

Video Popout extension is a plugin for browsers that will give you theability to separate the YouTube videos you’re watching into a floating popupthat’s separate from the browser.

Where you can watch videos without blocking them from whatever app you’reworking on.

The floating window will stay over any app or program while it’s running andwon’t get blocked as long as the video is on.

So it’s a good way to focus on your work without your favorite video playingin the background.

Google Search Restyling: Exclusive extension

add me to search google

Google search restyling is an add-on for Google Chrome that helps you changethe look of Google search for the better.

The changes are not big on the Google search page, because the way to designthe Google search interface is very simple.

But The Google search restyling extension will help you digitize the searchresults to make them easier to access, the results are numbered from thefirst result (01) to the last result on the search page.

Many users like to make their search page long (up to 100 search results),so we have provided a button to climb to the top to reach the first resultquickly without using other slow methods.

One of the beautiful additions that we have added, which will benefit thosewho have a website, is the ability to show if their site is in one of thesearch results.

And you can be knowing the center of the result in which their URL websiteis located in search result.

LanguageTool: Best check and spell errors text tool:  Read Full Article

Grammar Checker LanguageTool

grammar checker language tool

The LanguageTool extension is the best grammar and spell checker tool, whichwill definitely help you avoid spelling mistakes while writing.

You are a blogger or a website owner, or you have your own community onsocial media, and you always write a lot of messages, misspellings areinevitable, so you will definitely need a tool to help you.

Therefore, I advise you to use the LanguageTool extension on your browser,and you will no longer be afraid of falling into any spelling errors whosemeaning may be misunderstood.

The tool is free for normal use, and you are not required to pay any monthlyor annual subscription to access its features.

All you have to do is install it on one of the browsers you use and enjoythe best possible typing experience.

Free ad blocker

free ad blocker

Do you visit a lot of sites? Surely you have come across many sites thatoffer you the worst visit experience in your life, and the reason is thelarge number of ads they place on their site.

We do not deny that these ads are the most important income for websiteowners.

But a lot of ads on the site mean a bad visit experience for visitors, soyou as a visitor will need to search for a tool that block these annoyingads.

The Google Chrome web store offers a lot of ad blocking extensions, but themost famous and best is AdBlock to block ads.

While installing AdBlock on your browser, you will get many powerfulfeatures, including:

  • Protect privacy and blocked the trackers.
  • Block harmful ads that contain download programs or hacking programs.
  • Blocking pop-up ads or any advertisement on the sites.
  • Speed ​​up page loading while blocking ads.
  • The possibility of replacing the places of the advertisements with your own pictures (pictures of animals or pictures of natural landscapes).

Checker Plus for Gmail

Checker Plus for Gmail

Do you use the Gmail platform a lot to receive messages, and you are tiredof entering and exiting the Gmail page to see and read new messages, soChecker Plus for Gmail will solve this problem for you.

The Checker Plus for Gmail It will enable you to open all your accounts inone window, you can review the messages you receive directly from CheckerPlus for Gmail.

You will hear a voice notification if you get a new message.

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