The best blogging platform After the WordPress platform is theblogger platform, as the platform is considered the best website forblogging for new writers who are entering the blogging world for the firsttime.
Its only drawback is the little support from developers for the developmentof new plugins or utilities for the platform in order to help bloggers getthe best possible environment for developing their content and access to thebest sources of help.
With this exclusive tool, which we will offer for free, we will try to add anew feature to the blogger platform and help content writers to reach thebest format for their content compatible with SEO.
What is the Chrome add-ons?
Chrome extensions are a utility tools that is installed on browsersto present a specific or general options which programmed by developers, andits task is to change inside sites, bring certain information, or provide apaid or free service.
It may be almost impossible that you do not need extensions to help yousolve a problem with your browser.
For example, pop-up ads, so Pop-up Ad Blocker extensions willdefinitely help you block annoying ads, and this is one of the benefits ofchrome extensions.
We cannot say that all Google Chrome extensions are useful extensions, youwill sometimes encounter extensions that may cause you problems whileinstalling them on your browser, so you should always make sure beforeinstalling chrome extensions.
What is blogger helper extension! And how can I used?
Blogger helper extension is a helper extension, which I developed forthe blogger platform of blogging services, that will help bloggers avoiderrors related to content formatting and to comply with content writing bestpractices.
Blogger is one of the best website builder for blogs that providesyou with your own personal blog website, where you will be able tocreate your own content and publish it on the Internet freely.
We mentioned in a previous article on our site about the difference between the WordPress platform and the blogger platform , I advise you to refer to it to know more about the blogger site.
As a complement to the article, we also encouraged you to start a blog andmake money from him, and introduced you to the best ad networks for bloggers to start earning money from your own site.
As a quick entry on the blogger platform, it is a hosted service fromGoogle, which will give you the ability to start a private blog, but itsonly drawback is that it is a closed-source service from Google.
So you will find that the support for the platform from the developers isvery little, and you hardly find any plugins or software for the platform.
So as a new change I have developed the blogger helper extension to helpbloggers write and to comply with content writing best practices.
How I can download a blogger helper extension?
In the following table you will find some information about the bloggerhelper extension, we will update the version of the tool which is currently(V1.0) in the table when any new updates become available.
You should check this article every time to get the latest updates andinstall them on your blogger platform.
Extension name | Blogger Helper |
Version | 1.0 |
Exclusive | Yes |
Available in google store | Yes |
the use | Free |
Download Extension | Downlead Extention |
How can I use and install blogger helper extension on my blogger platform?
The way to install the tool is very easy, and with just a few steps, thetool will be running in your Google Chrome browser without problems.
- Download the blogger helper extension file and unzip it.
- Go to chrome tools (setting more tools extension).
- Activate the Developer mode option if you do not have it activated.
- Click on the option Unpackaged extension load.
- A window will appear for your computer files.
- Choose the blogger helper extension file after decompressing it and then click OK.
- You will notice that there is a new icon for the tools that you have added to your browser.
- Now go to your blogger account and open a new post.
- From the new post you opened, reload the page again to show you the data of the blogger helper extension tool on the post you opened.
What features does the blogger helper extension offer?
You will notice after opening your post and sharing tools appearing manytools that are alerts, where you will alert you formatting errors whilewriting your blog post.
We will try to explain in detail what the blogger helper extension toolscontain.
Change the background of the writing page within the post
During blog content writing, are you tired of the white background thatcomes in the design of the official blogger platform.
So in the blogger helper extension we provided you with the ability tochange the background of the writing page to any image you want.
When you click on the icon for blogger helper extension, a new window willpop up under the icon, and it will ask for several options to changebackground for content.
- When you install the extension for the first time, the background will remain white without change.
- If you click on the icon and open the pop-up window and directly press the (Add) button without adding any link, you will see a background integrated with the extension when installation.
- If you click on the icon and open the pop-up window and put the link of any image in the search bar and press the (Add) button, the image you added will be added as a background.
- If you want to return to the image integrated in the extension, directly press the (Add) button without adding any link to the image.
Determine length of title for the article (H1).
One of the option I have added in the blogger helper extension is theability to set the length of the article title, as Google recommends thatthe article title be no longer than 60 characters.
You will notice that there is a counter on the side of the article titlebar, and it will change in several colors depending on the length of thearticle title.
- Green color – the length of the title is acceptable
- Red color – the length of the title is too long, please shorten it
Addition effects to the blogger toolbar
One of the changes I made to the blogger interface is the taskbar, where weadded an animated water effect on the toolbar.
You will find that some functions in the toolbar are not displayed properly,we will try to solve the problem in the next updates of the tool.
Showing the number of headings in the article
In the interface of the blogger helper extension, you will see severalnotifications about content formatting, one of which is to show the numberof headings inside the article.
When you open a new post, you will find that all the headings are in red(H2, H3, H4 and H5).
When you put any new headings it will be changed to green with showing thenumber of these existing headings.
When you open a new post, you will find that the H1 is green, because the H1is for the article title, so you should not add any H1 inside the article.
For H5, you must add it from the HTML view option, because the Bloggerplatform does not add it in the list of formats.
Detect the number of images and images no Alt text
You will notice that there are two fields called (IMG) and (N-Alt), where(IMG) will help you to reveal the number of images in your article
The notice field (N-Alt) will help you find out the number of images that donot contain alt text for images.
Text Bold field and Double text Bold field
Field (B) will help you reveal the number of large words or sentences (boldtext) in your text.
It is recommended not to repeat the number of words marked with bold textmore than once, so the (D-B) option will help you detect the double numberof words marked with bold text in your paragraph.
Number of words and number of sentences in the paragraph
The (CH) field will help you find out the total number of characters insideyour paragraph, noting that the property will count characters such asspaces, periods, commas, and all other characters.
The field (KW) will help you find out the total number of words in yourarticle, it will not count symbols or spaces, and the correct number ofsentences is 95%.
Is blogger helper extension a paid or free service?
The blogger helper extension is a free tool for the time being, it ispossible in good circumstances to leave it free forever.
So I combined with the tool the possibility to donate to me via PayPal tohelp me financially, and to keep the tool free always.
Helping by donating to me makes me permanently develop the tool, whileleaving it free to use.
Are there updates coming for blogger helper extension in the future?
Yes – there will be updates coming to the blogger helper extension.
The thing to help us is to report any issues with the tool while you areworking with it, and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
To get the new updates for blogger helper extension, you should put the linkof this page in your favorites, so that you can refer to it at any time andquickly.
Do not forget to put your comments, we will read them with pleasure.