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Home Do Bitdefender the best protection from virus? – (πŸ”₯62% off) Bitdefender Review

Do Bitdefender the best protection from virus? – (πŸ”₯62% off) Bitdefender Review

bitdefender total security and internet security
By Zouani
30 Sep-2022

How good is Bitdefender total security? and What features does it offerto its users? And how much malware protection you will get while using aBitdefender protection services.

Everything about Bitdefender antivirus software will be reviewed in this comprehensive article, and we will also offer you away to get a Bitdefender discount of up to 50% while purchasing one ofthe Bitdefender security services, and many other discounts. 

Malware and virus programs are still constantly updated, and significantadvances have been made in their spread and targeting methods. According toVerizon’s data breach investigation, it has stated that:

Most of the violations that users report are reports of hacking, malwareinfection, phishing and scams, so there is a need to look for ways to protectagainst these threats and detect them before they happen.

The best way to protect your devices and data from theft or damage is to useantivirus programs, specifically paid programs whose protection is muchgreater than free programs and whose protection is very limited.

the antivirus and hacking programs give you a firewall against malicioussoftware threats, in addition to improving your security and protection whileyou are on the Internet by using utilities such as:

  • vpn programs
  • File shredder
  • Firewall
  • Parental control
  • Anti-phishing and fraud.
  • Protect your banking services.
  • Protect your password

And one of the most important services that most antivirus and anti-malwareprograms provide, is the ability to cover and protect all your devices, bysupporting most platforms such as windows, macOS, and smartphones with onlyone subscription.

One of the most powerful, highly recommended, and highly acclaimed software isBitdefender software, and this article is about it?

Quick info for Bitdefender total protection

Bitdefender Total Security was first released in 1997, by the software companySoftwin, whose headquarters are in Bucharest, Germany, and it is a protectionprogram against viruses and malware.

Bitdefender plus provides many plans, their prices vary between eachplan and another, and it supports that can be installed on both Windows, Mac,iPhone, and Android devices.

Since the first program was released until the present time, it has evolvedgreatly to become the most important and most powerful and most popularprotection program on the Internet.

And it has received many positive criticisms from many companies and largesites on the Internet.

  • Easy to use, uncomplicated and customizable control panel
  • Detecting software threats is very fast, and it is updated quickly
  • Integration of the VPN service with the software
  • Powerful malware detection and complete scanning of 99.7%
  • best Award-winning antivirus software
  • Compatibility with Windows, Mac, and Smartphones
  • One subscription supports up to 10 connected devices
  • The installation process takes a lot of time
  • Only 200Mb free VPN bandwidth (requires version upgrade)
  • No free plan, just a 30-day trial
  • Limited functionality in iOS systems compared to android devices
  • Limited functionality on macOS compared to windows

All in all, Bitdefender antivirus software offers an excellent andpowerful set of antivirus plans, it is easy to multi-use, and its defensesagainst malware are very solid, this has been proven by many trials.

Bitdefender internet security also gives you great value for the money you payfor subscribing to one of the plans it provides, and supports the basicavailable systems such as Windows, macOS, and smartphones (IOS, android).

Besides, Bitdefender security software gives you the ability to protect allyour devices in your home with just one subscription.

In a review and trial of several antivirus programs, the Cyber ​​Lab teamreviewed and rated more than 30 Antimalware programs under many conditions,and their tests concluded with the following results:

  • First place Norten 360 Deluxe as the best protection against security threats
  • In second place is Bitdefender antivirus software
  • And in third place is the McAfee total protection program

It also received many positive responses from many industry critics or websiteowners, and it competes with many programs that provide the same service.

Features offered by Bitdefender total security

Bitdefender is a set of cross-platform antivirus security functions, containsmany excellent features and functions for detecting malware in your device.

bitdefender total security 2022

As we mentioned earlier, most of the functions offered by Bitdefender Securityare not available on macOS and iOS devices, but it fully supports Windows andAndroid devices.

Bitdefender’s features are divided into three sections, namely SecurityFeatures, Privacy Features, and Utility Features.

Protection and Security Features from Bitdefender

Bitdefender’s security features offer all the necessary ways to protect youfrom any security threat against your devices, or your internetvulnerabilities, Bitdefender prides itself on having one of the best antivirusengines on the internet.

This improved engine is used to detect security threats in real time beforethey occur, to provide the highest possible protection against viruses,ransomware, Trojans and other known and unknown malware.

Detecting the behaviors of applications and programs

Also, one of the protection methods provided by the program is effectivebehavior detection techniques against suspicious activities.

Advanced threat defense technology monitors your active programs andapplications, and blocked any application from which any suspicious activityoriginates.

Protection while browsing the Internet

One of the advanced features is Bitdefender total internet security, and itsmission is to prevent security threats via the Internet.

As it includes cloud-based techniques to prevent attacks before they occur,and is very useful when browsing or downloading from the Internet.

This feature will block all malicious websites that have been categorized asmalicious or suspicious, and you have complete freedom to customize your listof allowing or blocking websites.

Security vulnerabilities scan

Bitdefender’s Vulnerability Scanner helps check your device if it has outdatedsettings or software that needs updating.

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With the ability to check for missing security patches in Windows systems,essential updates, and security holes in Wi-Fi networks, and inform you of thebest necessary settings and corrections to make to get the best possibleprotection.

bitdefender firewall

The firewall will add a powerful extra layer of protection in addition to theexisting protection.

As it will check any unauthorized traffic on the Internet, while scanning andmodifying network ports to get the best protection for your personalinformation.

Ransomware and spam protection

Anti-ransomware from Bitdefender offers multi-layered ransomware protection,with protect from email attacks and potential threats filtered and attended.

Privacy Features of Bitdefender

The security and privacy features will protect you from protecting yourprivate personal information from online security threats by using theBitdefender safePay add-on, which will help you reach the highest securitywhen shopping online.

Bitdefender safePay provides you with a secure browser that allows you to dealwith your banking transactions on the Internet and shop safely.

As it will protect you from all phishing scams, with the feature ofauto-filling your credit card details.

Bitdefender also prides itself on providing a secure VPN with the aim ofprotecting you from prying eyes and securing your traffic while you are usingthe Internet, by encrypting your traffic and transmitting it through secureservers.

Password Manager

You will get your own secure wallet to store your passwords and sensitiveinformation such as credit card information, a password manager suggestsstrong passwords to prevent access by a hacker.

File Shredder feature

Bitdefender File Shredder is characterized by permanently deleting your datafrom your device’s drive if you want to dispense with it, and will not leaveany trace of your data while recovery files again.

Camera and microphone protection

The program will tell you when an application wants to try to access thecamera or microphone of your device, in addition, you can block applicationsthat you do not want to access the camera of your device.

Bitdefender parental controls and child protection

Bitdefender provides a safe environment for your children when they use theinternet, where you can view specific websites, limit screen time, blockwebsites or apps, schedule restrictions, and protect them from unwantedcontent.

You will get detailed reports on your children’s use of devices connected viaBitdefender, and you will get information about their online activities.

Anti-theft feature

One of the features that you will like, is the feature to search for yourdevice if it is stolen or forgotten somewhere

As the program will inform you of the location of your device via GPS, and youcan take the appropriate action for your device.

Utilities features of bit defender total security

These additional features will help you greatly improve the performance ofyour device, as these features enable the program to provide the necessarysecurity and protection without compromising the performance of your devicewhile using it.

One of the helpful features built into Bitdefender malware is the One-clickoptimizer tool, which helps you get rid of unwanted files, or duplicate files,with the ability to scan disk and registry and perform necessary cleanup.

Bitdefender profile

Bitdefender with profile will learn how you work on the device, will providethe best possible performance depending on the program you are working on atthe moment, and will transfer all device resources to the program you areusing.

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For example, if you’re playing a game on your device, Bitdefender will detectit, switch to game mode, adjust settings, turn off pop-ups, or any softwareout of work, for smoother gameplay.

With all of the above, we can give Bitdefender a rating of 10/10

How does Bitdefender software in terms of protection deal with malware

Bitdefender uses a powerful and effective anti-malware and anti-virus engine,and it also builds multiple layers of protection against threats to ensureunbeatable protection, and also relies on intelligence techniques to predictand stop attacks before they occur.

These technologies help analyze URLs that may contain malware, tracking bots,suspicious network activities, or hackers, ransomware and other malware, andthey will be blocked by force.

In one of the tests conducted by AV-Test Lab, it simulates various virusprograms with real-world scenarios and performs protection tests againstinfections, malware and active viruses.

Bitdefender has been subjected to various tests on the strength of protection,and it has obtained a score of 100% in all tests of antivirus and antiviruscapabilities, and also has an overall protection score of 6/6.

Bitdefender system performance

When you install Bitdefender on your device, the software will try to use theleast of your device’s capabilities, whereby using photon technology,Bitdefender antivirus plus adapts to your system to improve speed andperformance.

Depending on your device settings, Bitdefender can monitor your device’sresources while scanning and detecting malware, and most of the time you won’teven notice that the software is scanning your device in the background.

If Bitdefender has to do an extensive scan of your device, the program takesit to the cloud while preserving your privacy, thus not affecting your deviceor its speed.

Bitdefender app interface

Bitdefender is simple, easy to use and uncomplicated, but it has all thefeatures that we have explained, and you can access it easily, with theability to customize it according to the settings you want.

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The program window has two main sections. The left side of the main unitscontains (Dashboard, protection, Privacy, Utilities) and also (Notifications,My Account, Settings, Support).

The right side is for the features and functions of the program and contains(quick scan, VPN, Total Security, safePay, System Scan), with recommendationsfor best practices to protect your device.

Bitdefender total security price

Bitdefender offers various subscription plans for its products, all plansinclude a 30-day free trial, and subscription plans range from one to threeyears.

In the table we will put all the plans and prices for them:

Do Bitdefender the best protection from virus? - (πŸ”₯62% off) Bitdefender Review
Bit-D Antivirus Plus $23.99
Bit-D Total Security $35.99
Bit-D Internet Security $32.99
platform support Windows only Windows
Windows only
Number of devices 3 devices 5 devices 3 devices
Comprehensive Antivirus tbody tbody tbody
Anti-phishing tbody tbody tbody
Protected SafePay Browser tbody tbody tbody
No Impact on Device Speed and Performance tbody tbody tbody
Continuous Protection tbody tbody tbody
Microphone and Webcam Protection tbody tbody tbody
Firewall tbody tbody tbody
Password Manager tbody tbody tbody
Anti-theft tbody tbody tbody
Speed Up Your Devices tbody tbody tbody
Parental Control tbody tbody tbody
Support Online support Online support Online support
macOS Protection tbody tbody tbody
Android Protection tbody tbody tbody
iOS Protection tbody tbody tbody

Bitdefender customer support service

The Bitdefender official website offers a customer support and help option, one of the help methods provides a knowledge base offrequently asked questions, and also the option of 24/7 live chat, or byemail.

Bitdefender’s FAQ page provides many guides and tutorials on how to deal withBitdefender Total Security, such as installation methods, activation methods,or troubleshooting methods.

If you do not find your answer on the FAQ page, you can try theBitdefender live chat service, which is usually quick to respond, andcan help you answer your question or solve problems you have with the program.

As an additional solution, you can use e-mail to communicate with supportteam, but you may encounter some problems with a late reply, but it is goodfor complex problems.


Bitdefender, with its multi-faceted approach and feature set, is a strongcontender in the world of antivirus solutions out there.

Its strong protection, minimal system impact, and easy-to-use interface arewidely praised by critics and users.

However, no cybersecurity solution can claim infallibility, and individualexperiences may vary.

The decision to choose Bitdefender depends on weighing its strengths againstperceived weaknesses and aligning its offerings with individual securityneeds.

Ultimately, the choice lies in the hands of users, guided by informeddecisions and aligning Bitdefender’s offerings with their unique digitalsecurity requirements.

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