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Home Domain Name Vs Web Hosting: What Is The Difference Between Him?

Domain Name Vs Web Hosting: What Is The Difference Between Him?

Domain Name vs Web Hosting - What is the Difference between him?
By Zouani
27 Oct-2022

While starting any website on the Internet, you must definitely providehosting and a domain name in order for your site to start appearing on theInternet.
Unless you are using one of the free platforms that provide you with adirect website, such as the Blogger platform .

However, our article is not about how to create a website.

But we will address the most common question for people who are beginners inthe field of blogging, which is, what is the difference between website hosting and the website domain name .

Many people confuse these two terms because they bought the two servicesfrom the same provider, so they think that they are one thing.

It is true that hosting and domain name are two separate services infeatures, but they are necessary to create any website on the Internet.

We will try to simplify the difference between a domain name and webhosting, but this does not mean that we will not delve into the twoservices, as they are the two most important elements for starting anywebsite.

So, be sure that you will not come out of this article unless you are fullyaware of the difference between them.

We will divide the article into two parts.

The first we will talk about the domain name, and we will try to delve intoit a little, then we will go to what is web hosting, and of course wewill give it its right to explain.

What is a domain name?

domain name

If I ask you a simple question?

Where is address your house, you will simply give me the street address andthe house number or approximate information about its location, the sameapplies to domain names in the virtual part of it.

The domain name is the address of the website, where search engineswill know where your site is located on the Internet from the domain name.

And when you search for your site through search engines, it will be foundby your domain name.

There are many designations that you can use to identify domain names, suchas, domain name address, URL, Website link, Website address, all of whichrefer to the same concept.

The domain name that you see in browsers was not in the past in the sameform.

As it used numbers to express the address of the site or the so-called IPaddress, and was written as an example in the following form,(

With the boom of the Internet and the emergence of many sites on theInternet, it was very difficult for users to remember the addresses of sitesas they were known only to navigate a particular site.

So there was a need for a change in the concept of domain names.

Hence, the idea of the need for a domain server, through which the idea of adomain name was invented, and its main task was to replace the IP address asit was known to an address that can be remembered.

check domain name availability

The idea of ​​an IP address has not changed, because until now, URLsare still numbers.

But thanks to the processes that occur in the domain server while searchingfor a site, the latter converts the domain into an understandable name forthe user.

Side information that you should be aware of.

In millions of sites on the Internet, there are no two sites with the samedomain name, and even if there are two sites with the same name, you willfind a difference in the extension of the domain.

I mean, if there is a site calledhttps://www.tech-notice.comand another site called https://www.tech-notice.org,they are two sites with two different addresses, even if the name is thesame, and the reason is the extension of the domain.

When you read the way to write the domain, you will find many basic partsthat define the domain:

  • Protocol of domain
  • Sub-domain
  • Domain name
  • Top-level domain
  • Country code Level domain
domain name search

Types of domains, and what is the difference between them.

There are many types of domains, and every day new types of domains appear,and the most famous types of domains are (.com).

Of course, this type of domain has a meaning, as it is an abbreviation ofthe word (commercial).

So when you see any type of domain, make sure that it is an abbreviation ofa specific word, and of course there are many domain extensions (.org, .net,.xyz,.store, .live, .info), and many other types of domains.

Domain types express the content of the site, so if you have an onlinestore, you can buy a domain extension of the type (.store), but this is nota prerequisite.

As you can choose any type of extension without a problem.

All types of domains can be reserved normally, but there are types ofdomains that must meet some conditions in order to be able to obtain them.

Government domain extensions

There are some types of domains that cannot be obtained normally, becausethese extensions are provided by the country you are in, and are providedonly to government institutions such as universities, hospitals oreducational institutions within the country.

National Domain Extensions

This type is somewhat similar to government domains, as it can only beobtained in the country you are in, and it is available to everyone.

But with one condition, and it is an official request from the country youare in to obtain this extension.

The addition that the national domain type adds, it will add to you at theend of the domain the type of country you are in, for example:https://www.tech-notice.com.us

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

When browsing web pages, the Internet browser sends data from and to yourcomputer is unencrypted through the HTTP protocol, which is anabbreviation of the word Hypertext Transfer, which is the main protocol fortransferring data over Internet sites.

But the weak point of this protocol is that it is not secure when sendingany private data.

Such as passwords, or all requests and information that pass through it,which is can expose to Internet providers in your country, or by hackers.

Therefore, there was a need to correct this problem, Therefore, anencryption called HTTPS was developed, which stands for Secure HypertextTransfer, which uses an SSL certificate to encrypt data while browsing theInternet.

While using this protocol, all data will be encrypted while being sent orrequested from your browser.

Of course, this protocol has some weaknesses, but it is considered betterand more secure than the HTTP protocol.

How I can buy website domain name?

This is very easy, just write the way to buy a domain, and you willsee many and many sites that sell the domains, and as a personal advice andpersonal experience, I recommend Namesilo service to buy a domain.

The reason for my nomination for this domain is that its prices are fixed,even if you renew the domain.

Which you may not find in many sites, in addition to security and strongcustomer service, but you can search the Internet and you will find manyother sites.

What is web hosting?

web hosting

When we defined what is the domain name, we said that it determines yoursite address, and as for hosting , it represents the home.

All sites on the Internet without exception need a place to store theirdata, so you must provide a specific storage space to store your site dataon, so you need a storage center called hosting.

There is not much talk when defining what hosting is, but the confusingthing is when you buy hosting from one of the hosting providers, because youhave to check many important things to say that this hosting is good for mysite.

This leads us to the most important question that anyone who wants to createtheir own site should ask.

What is the difference between hosting plans?

Before you decide to buy hosting or even buy a new domain name, you shoulddefine the goals of the site you want to create, what type it is, how manyvisits you expect to get each month, and many important questions.

Therefore, all sites that provide hosting services provide many plans forweb hosting, and each plan contains appropriate features and prices for anysite that is created, and of course, the greater the hosting capabilities,the greater its financial value.

Shared web hosting

As its name indicates, many websites will be hosted on one server, and theywill all share the resources in this server, and it is the most common typeof hosting, and it is very useful for new website owners.

Shared hosting plans are easy to use and very cheap, as you will find veryreasonable prices within everyone’s reach, but remember, you should reviewthe possibilities that shared hosting will offer you before purchasing it.

One of the cheapest shared web hosts you can get from Hostinger , it will provide you shared hosting for only $0.99/Mo, so if you want toget cheap hosting, it is good for you.

Cloud hosting

In this type of plan you will get private resources and features, they willnot be shared with anyone or other website, this option is very good forfast-growing websites when shared hosting is not enough for your site.

Of course, cloud hosting is more powerful than shared hosting, andyou will get powerful features, and it is good for beginners, professionalsor enterprises, and its strong advantage is that it provides severalscattered servers around the world.

WordPress hosting

This type of hosting is for the WordPress platform, and it is useful forwebsite builders, especially on the WordPress platform , but it is shared hosting and will share server resources with othersites.

VPS hosting

VPS Hosting, which is the most powerful hosting that you can get, and isintended for very large sites, which get very large visits, and of course itneeds some technical knowledge to manage it.

You will get a lot of features, even access to the root of the hosting, sothat you have complete control over your site, with the ability to install awide range of operating systems, and a lot of other capabilities.

Questions And Answers:

Yes, you can register a domain name without hosting a website, however,without hosting, the domain will not display any content on the Internet.
certainly. You can switch web hosting providers without changing your domainname.

Hosting is different from a domain and is separate from it, but they areintegrated while running the website.


Knowing thedifference between Web address vs. server space constitutes thecornerstone of knowledge for a person who wants to enter the world ofwebsites and their management.

Understanding their unique roles is like using a compass to explore and findthe right path, enabling you to create a strong and thriving onlinepresence.

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