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Home Tor Browser Vs VPN Networks: What’s The Difference Between Them

Tor Browser Vs VPN Networks: What’s The Difference Between Them

Tor Browser vs VPN: what's The difference between them
By Zouani
31 Oct-2022

Who is the best? Tor browser or virtual VPN networks , it is a question that has been asked since these two technologiesappeared on the Internet.

Where many articles and reviews have been written about the differencebetween these two technologies, so why not I share our opinion on them aswell.

We will cover how Tor browser and VPN services work, the pros and cons of each service, and what you need to know if youdecide to use one of these two services.

What is the Tor browser and VPN Network

Tor Browser - tor browser vs vpn

The name Tor stands for “The Onion Router”, a non-profit organization thatdevelops digital privacy tools.

One of the company’s products is the Tor Browser, a tool designedprimarily to protect your digital identity when you’re browsing theinternet.

When you browse with the Tor Browser, all your online activities areencrypted, The data travels through the Tor networks, which keeps everythingyou do on the Internet private.

The Tor web browser transfers your internet traffic through differentTor servers, thus hiding your true digital identity, and the Tor browserencrypts your data as it travels through these servers.

Thus, no one will be able to monitor your traffic or any data coming orgoing through Tor Browser, Tor encryption uses multi-layered protection, soyou will notice that the Tor logo is layers of onions.

VPN Network - tor browser vs vpn

VPN, short for “Virtual Private Network”, is a tool designed tochange the IP address of your device connected to the Internet, and encryptyour traffic while you browse the Internet.

The tool was intended for IT experts and employees of large companies toaccess private information in secure.

And now it has become an indispensable tool during daily use of theInternet, and it has become a tool available in general for every one.

All VPN services have a network of servers spread all over the world.

So when you connect to one of their servers, all your traffic through thebrowser or any a program will go through these servers while you connect tothem.

At that point, your IP address will be temporarily changed to the address ofthe server that you connect to via the VPN you are using.

private internet access

And since your IP address will be changed, you will be able to safely accessany website attended by your Internet provider in your country.

Of course, the server you are connecting to will enable you to access allthe services that any country attends.

For example, if you connect to a server located in the US, you will be ableto watch all the movies on the US Netflix.

Pros and Cons of Tor browser and VPN Network

Tor Browser - tor browser vs vpn

Tor Browser offers many good features, but the best thing is that it iscompletely free, as you do not need any monthly or annual subscription toget the features that Tor offers you.

Unlike VPN programs that at some point you need to subscribe to get fullservice.

Tor Browser supports all devices, whether it is computers orsmartphones, and developers can obtain the source code of the browser tomodify and develop it, and it is easy to use and uncomplicated.

Tor Browser offers you the ability to protect your privacy, and it is themost important feature it offers you as a user.

As it hides your IP address when you browse the Internet, andprevents any third party from obtaining any information about you.

But as all programs, Tor comes with some drawbacks, which may be resolved inthe future, and one of them is the browsing speed.

As the browser goes through many stages to encrypt traffic, so you willnotice some slowness in loading pages.

Another negative thing that you may find flawed, is that many web servicesblock the Tor browser, so you will find that using it is useless in thiscase.

To make matters worse, using the Tor browser could get you into some legaltroubles in the country blocked this browser.

VPN Network - tor browser vs vpn

The first positive feature of VPN services is the connection speed, becausesince your traffic is not routed through multiple servers like Tor Browser,you will get good speed while browsing the Internet.

Of course the speed varies from other VPN provider, and you will seesome slight speed loss from time to time, but it is not comparable to TorBrowser in terms of speed.

Unblocking websites or content banned in your country by internet providersis one of the advantages offered by VPN services.

No matter where you are, a VPN will enable you to access everything on theinternet thanks to the servers spread all over the world.

The most important feature that all VPN services have in common is to hideyour identity while you are using the Internet, as your IP address will bereplaced with a fake address that cannot be accessed, tracked.

In addition to encrypting all your traffic while browsing the Internet,unlike Tor, which encrypts only on demand, and this of course means moresecurity when you browse the Internet.

This does not mean that there are no negative aspects in the VPN service.

The first of which is that it is not free, as you will need a monthly orannual subscription to get the service, even with free VPN services, it is not recommended at times and is unreliable.

Another issue that may be sensitive is that the VPN service provider canaccess all your online activities while using their VPN service.

So while choosing a VPN service, be sure to read the terms of use andprivacy policy of the service provider.


Generally, both Tor Browser and VPN servers are designed to protect yourdigital privacy while you are on the Internet, but if we choose, VPNservices are much better than Tor Browser.

Yes, Tor Browser is a free browser, but it comes with many negative aspectsthat you should take seriously.

In addition to slow browsing, and blocked by many sites, and there are alsolegal problems that come from your use of it.

On the other hand, VPNs are very fast and secure, they can unblock anywebsite or service on the Internet, hide your IP address, and many otherfeatures.

Of course, if you search better, you will find very reliable VPN providersthat offer good services and price.

And we may recommend you one of the best providers for this service, NordVpn , and we have written a full review of the company that you can refer to.

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