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Home Surfshark VPN Review – Pros And Cons And Is It A Good Choice?

Surfshark VPN Review – Pros And Cons And Is It A Good Choice?

Surfshark VPN Review - Pros & Cons and Is it a good choice?
By Zouani
27 Nov-2022

Surfshark VPN is one of the best VPNs on the Internet that has received manypositive reviews from users, so it should have been added to our list ofreviews of VPNs on the Internet.

Quick info about vpn Surfshark

surf shack vpn is a company specialized in providing virtual privatenetwork ( VPN ) services.

The company’s first launch was in 2018, and it is based in the BritishVirgin Islands, with more than 3,200 servers spread around 100 countriesaround the world.

Surfshark one provided its first service on Apple’s iOS devices, and as anew service on the Internet, it underwent many reviews and evaluationsregarding the service it provides, one of which was being audited by theGerman cybersecurity company “Cure”.

One of the ways to deploy surfshark’s vpn service was to launch itsservices on other systems, as the Android system got the surfshark app in2019, and it was called “Trust DNS”.

The mission of surfshark app Trust DNS was to analysis domain names with access and opening in highly restricted countries.

Because of the features and power provided by Shark VPN, it hasbecome one of the best VPNs on the Internet, and it has received verypositive reviews by the AV-TEST Institute, and in 2020 it was awarded the best VPN Provider Award by CNN.

Currently, vpn sharksurf is available to run on all available systems(Windows, Android, Mac, iOS, Linux, router).

Surfshark vpn subscription Price

Why did we touch on surfshark vpn subscription price before we talkedabout the features that surfshark vpn offers to users? Well, I guess theprice of the service will give you a choice if you want to continue readingour surfshark vpn review or stop here.

Surfshark VPN: The Official site is the place where you will find all the prices offered by Surfshark tousers, and at first glance you may find that the prices are somewhatunreasonable, as it will offer you a monthly subscription that starts at$12.95 without any discounts.

# There is a second plan valid for 12 months, starting at $3.99 per month,which becomes a total price of $47.88 per year, after the discount (96%) ofthe original price.

# There is a third plan valid for 24 months, starting at $2.05 per month,which becomes a total price of $49.2 per year, after the discount (84%) ofthe original price.

surfshark subscription price

The thing that Surfshark did not address on its official website is that allthe discounts that you will get are valid for one time only, as when yourenew the plan, you will pay the first amount, which is $12.95 per month.

Does surfshark vpn offer good privacy and security?

Security and privacy are one of the main reasons why anyone would considerusing a VPN, and surfshark comes with very strong security and privacyfeatures, as you will find that the standard measures are in place insurfshark.

They support AES-256 encryption and TCP, surfshark WireGuard, andOpenVPN UDP security protocols, such as IKEv2 K, which are industry-standardVPN encryption.

There are also two very advanced privacy features that Surfshark has gonethe extra mile by using a private DNS on each of their servers.

Simply put, you’ll be able to add an extra layer of protection that preventsthird parties from intercepting your online sessions, or accessing yoursensitive data, and this is what makes surfshark worth every price you payfor it.

In addition to the No-Loggin Policy, which pledges not to keep any recordsof users, in addition to the surfshark MultiHop feature, which allowsyou to connect to two servers at the same time, which will greatly helpreduce the risk of tracking.

And to provide greater security while using the VPN, surfshark provides a new set of server coverage even inplaces with repressive Internet policies such as Russia, China, Vietnam andeven Turkey, and it also provides servers in places such as South America orAfrica.

Having such a wide range of server options means you’re better able to spoofyour actual location, preventing pesky invaders from locating you ordiscovering your logs while you’re online.

Surfshark VPN and Streaming

Like most other VPN service users, you probably want to use Surfshark VPN toaccess your favorite shows that are not streamed in your country, I am happyto tell you that Surfshark VPN has a great ability to provide what you needin terms of watching blocked content in your country.

Netflix changed their VPN block technologies, greatly reducing theeffectiveness of most of the VPNs on the market forunblocking Netflix content, with Surfshark you will have no problemunblocking Netflix.

But this does not mean that you will access all the restricted content, asyou may find that you will not be able to access the content provided by theNetflix network in countries such as the United Kingdom, Japan, orAustralia.

This is not a downfall for Surfshark, because most VPNs on the market can’taccess or unblock all content, so it’s not a negative point for Surfshark.

When it comes to other regions, Surfshark is probably the best option, asyou can watch content from the US on YouTube, and have no problem accessingcontent on BBC IPlay, Disney+, Amazon Prime, and many other networks.

Speed and performance in surfshark vpn

You won’t have any trouble installing or setting up thesurfshark vpn app on windows or macOS platform, although the list ofsites on the app doesn’t explicitly show response time, there are a fewicons that tell you the best options.

Surfshark’s Static IP allows you to connect to UK, Singapore, US,Japan, and Germany servers, so you can get a static IP address of yourchoice each time you want to connect.

The disappointing part is the speed tests.

The average connection speed is 100Mbps with OpenVPN, but switching toWireGuard could make a huge difference while connecting, reaching 457Mbps onthe UK-based servers.

Any additions about surfshark service

Surfshark has always been a great VPN service, they offer a generousunlimited device policy, they allow you to connect as many devices as youwant with a single subscription, they also offer split screen features andtunneling while connected.

Surfshark deserves some credit for its transparent privacy policy andtamper-resistant RAM services.

In addition, Surfshark has received an audit of its infrastructure, whichshows that the company follows best practices and that they are willing togive their best.

This does not mean that Surfshark is not free from defects, as we mentionedearlier that one of its defects is speed, as it reduces the download andupload speed by about 60% of the original speed, in addition to notclarifying some information in terms of pricing.

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