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Home Dropbox Cloud Storage Review: Is dropbox still worth your attention?

Dropbox Cloud Storage Review: Is dropbox still worth your attention?

Dropbox Cloud Storage Review: Is dropbox still worth your attention?
By Zouani
25 Dec-2022

You can say that the Dropbox cloud storage platform is the servicethat started everything in the world of storing and saving files in thecloud.

Or at least made it in the direction it is currently known for, but doesDropbox it still worth its position due to the fierce competition in the cloud storage services market.

Before talking about the Dropbox cloud storage platform, let’s first talkabout What cloud storage means?

Cloud storage service is a way that enables you to store your files outsideyour personal devices, whether it is your phone or personal computer, andthey are stored in private servers located somewhere in the world, dependingon the presence of the company that provides the cloud storage service.

The cloud file storage service enables you to upload your files to externalstorage spaces with the ability to access them again, share them, modifythem, or even delete them from anywhere you want, provided that you areconnected to the Internet.

The external storage service does not take any storage space on yourpersonal device, all you have to do is buy cloud storage space fromthe company providing the service, then you can upload all your files tothat space, and of course you will get all the protection features for yourfiles.

Quick info about dropbox cloud

The Dropbox platform is an American company that specializes in the field ofcloud file storage.

The company’s current headquarters is San Francisco, California, where theservices were first launched in 2007 on the Internet.

The service was developed byDrew HustonandArash Ferdowsi

while they were students at MIT with funding from the startup accelerator, iComputer.

The idea for Dropbox came from Drew Huston, who said that I always forgot myUSB drive when it was new in MIT, so he decided to create his own personnelfile storage system, which later evolved into a public system available toeveryone.

Dropbox Features

Although Dropbox is one of the most popular platforms when it comes to cloudstorage, it is not a service that can rest on its former glories, as itsfeatures are only basic.

But even so, it does it quite well, and offers it all in a nice, cleanpackage, and one of those features that Dropbox was one of its maininventions is sync dropbox with computer folder.

This feature provides you with a special folder on your computer when usingdropbox, and this folder is an intermediary between the Dropbox platform andyour own device, as files are uploaded to dropbox when you put your files inthis folder.

Yes, there were problems with this extension, which was creating duplicateitems from files in the device’s storage, but Dropbox updates solved theproblem with a new feature called Dropbox smart sync.

Also, one of the features that comes with the Dropbox service is theintegration with other platforms such as Microsoft Office and GoogleWorkspace, where you can sync dropbox to google work space orMicrosoft Office.

This feature allows you to create and edit documents directly from cloud storage if you need to create documents for work or study, in addition to theadvantage of collaborating with other people using Dropbox’s stellar filesharing feature.

This feature allows you to share your files either through a view link or anedit link, where the view link will allow viewing and downloading the file,while the editing link will allow the ability to edit files by people whoown the sharing link.

The platform has a Dropbox App Center feature, where you can get integrationwith a wide range of other applications such as productivity applications from Microsoft (Slack, Trello), or other platforms such as Canva and procreate.

Dropbox and security

Here things get a little confusing, because the Dropbox platform is one ofthe three largest cloud storage platforms on the Internet (dropbox, GoogleDrive, Microsoft OneDrive).

These platforms are considered the most widely used on the Internet in termsof cloud storage, and they have a very large load in terms of the securityof privacy and the files of their users uploaded to their servers.

The difference between them is that Google Drive and microsoft OneDrive havebillions of users who use their platforms, including the cloud storageplatform, so security is one of the most important things that they invest alot of money for.

While Dropbox does not contain this option, this has led in the past to manyserious security breaches, the latest of which was in 2018.

If you use the zero-knowledge service of Sync.com or pCloud for example, even with any data breach there will be no problem, because thehackers will not be able to decrypt the files.

Even though Dropbox’s protection isn’t the best, its privacy policy is alsonot out of criticism, as it collects some user data, but we don’t accuse itof selling it to third parties.

Dropbox plans and pricing

If all the reasons we mentioned earlier about dropbox cloud storage don’tmake you look in another direction, I suspect that dropbox plans price willmake you review your accounts before you decide that you will be one of theplatform’s users.

Well, when you create a new dropbox account, you will get a freeplan, as the rest of the companies do, as it will provide you with a freedropbox space of 2 GB.

Yes, the free plan is stingy compared to other companies that may give you 5GB to 15 GB of storage space as a free plan such as iCedrive free plane or pCloud free Plane, and of course, you will get fewer features.

If you decide to get more space than you don’t have much to choose from,dropbox personal pricing offers up to 2 TB of storage space for$11.99/Mo.

Dropbox offers a discount if you subscribe to their yearly plan, which willbe at $10/Mo, i.e., $100/Years, which is not a very attractive plan when youlook at it.

The shared family plan, which comes with 2 TB of storage space that can beshared between up to 6 people, costs $19.99/Mo, with the yearly discount youcan get it at $16.99/Mo.

If you are a professional, you may want to get 3 TB of storage space, and itcomes with some business features like sharing controls, you can get it at$19.99/Mo or $19.99/Mo on the annual plan.

The verdict for dropbox platform

Yes, with all that we mentioned previously, the judgment on the Dropboxplatform will be a little bad, given the many companies that offer the sameservice and offer good pricing plans, in addition to the multiplicity ofprotection methods, I think Dropbox does not offer much.

There are a lot of dropbox alternatives that can be subscribed to andget very strong security features that are not available in Dropbox, butthis is a personal view, and there may be different opinions about theplatform between each person.

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