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Home Difference Between SONY PlayStation 3 Fat, PS3 Slim, And PS3 Super Slim

Difference Between SONY PlayStation 3 Fat, PS3 Slim, And PS3 Super Slim

Difference between SONY PlayStation 3 fat, PS3 slim, and PS3 super slim
By Zouani
17 Feb-2023

When we talk about the sony playstation 3 console, Sony succeeded in making agiant leap in console gaming with its launch of the Sony PlayStation 3consoles.

As the Sony company with its sony playstation 3 consoles changed the conceptof 360 deg gaming for the better, allowing game developers to bring out alltheir capabilities and ideas and present The best games, most of which havebecome iconic and legendary games so far, and one of these games is the god ofwar game.

The playstation 3 console is the next release after the PS2 console, which isalso very famous and has achieved many sales around the world.

The PS3 console got in every period in which it was issued, it got manydevelopments and versions in terms of the system and even the shape of thedevice until the time of the release of its successor, the PS4 console.

Three versions of the device appeared (sony playstation 3 fat, PS3 slim, and PS3 super slim ).

General introduction to the Sony play station 3 devices

The PlayStation 3 is the third release by SONY after the (PS1 and PS2)consoles.

The playstation 3 console was first launched on November 17, 2006, in America,and later launched worldwide.

The release of devices, updates, and games for the PS3 device did not stopuntil its successor, the PS4 console, was released.

During that period, several forms of PS3 devices were witnessed, andoriginally three different forms of the device with different specificationsbetween them.

This is what we will show and see the difference between sony playstation 3console fat, PS3 slim, and PS3 super slim.

Difference between SONY PlayStation 3 fat, PS3 slim, and PS3 super slim

Sony playstation 3 console release date

PlayStation 3 fat

The sony playstation 3 console PS3 fat release date for the first time in2006, first released in Japan and the United States of America, and the lasttime issuing was stopped was in 2009.

PlayStation 3 slim

The play station 3 slim was released on August 24, 2009, It is 32% smallerthan the previous device, 36% lighter, and 34% less power consuming.

PlayStation 3 super slim

The PS3 Super Slim is the last device released in the PS3 consoleseries, the device was released on September 19, 2012, and what distinguishesit most is its small size and weight compared to the previous versions of thedevice.

Inner Space for PlayStation 3 console

PlayStation 3 fat

Even with the versions brought by the PS3 console, the Sony PS3 fat gameconsole came with several versions of the device in terms of some additionsand changes in the hardware and mainly in terms of the internal storage of thedevice.

The PlayStation 3 fat came in several versions in terms of space, as it camewith spaces (20 GB, 40 GB, 60 GB, 80 GB, ps3 120gb), these storage capacitiescame according to the place in which it was issued as well as the date onwhich it was issued.

Ps3 slim

The manufacturing approach in the sony playstation 3 has change from theprevious ps3 fat device, as it also witnessed some copies and changes in somehardware inside, including the internal storage space, as the device came withlarger internal spaces than the ones found in the Sony PS3 fat device, and thecopies came as follows (ps3 120gb, 250 GB, 320 GB).

Ps3 super slim

The Sony PS3 super slim only comes in two versions in terms of internal hard disk space, namely (250GB and 500 GB).

Additional ports and inputs on the PS3

PlayStation 3 fat

Because of the versions that were released for the PS3 fat device, the ports,or their locations have changed in different versions.

The locations of the USB ports and their number have changed in each version,The first version of the PS3 came with a cover on the top that can be openedand closed, and some special ports come under it, then in the followingversions of the same device, this cover was removed, and the ports wereshifted to the bottom of the device.

There is a button behind the device for turning the device on and off, and onthe front, there are two touch buttons, one for turning on the device forstandby time, and the second button for the disc reader.

PlayStation 3 slim

In the play station 3 slim device, the processor was completely changed fromthe first version of the device, where a processor was made by IBM, SONY, andToshiba, which is characterized by the speed in performance and less energyconsumption According to say Sony.

The design was completely changed, as the touch buttons that were in the firstversion were changed to press buttons.

The back button for the power was removed from the device, the cooling systemwas modified and its performance improved.

PlayStation 3 super slim

The PS3 Super Slim has not been spared a complete change to its external andinternal appearance, as it has become thinner and weighs less than theprevious versions of the device.

The device has two USB ports, and the shape of the disc reader has beenchanged, as the shape has become a sliding part on the top of the device Andyou can put the game disc manually.

Device accessories

In terms of external accessories, there are not many, as you will get thecable to operate the device, which is also available for purchase separately.

The wireless control hand or known as (Sony Dual shock 3), as for the superslim Sony device, it contains a bottom base with the possibility ofinstallation or takes it off.

System, updates, and game downloads

Sony has made a complete change in terms of the system and main interface ofthe PS3 console.

Has incorporated into its system the possibility to get access to the new PS3update launched by the company, in order to keep pace with the games that werereleased on the PS3 console or change interface for system or other option.

There is an official game store, which enables you to buy games through thisstore or get updates for games, but this does not prevent downloading piratedgames from the Internet and installing them on your device, PSN PS3 games, orPS3 pkg games, and we will address it in the next section of the article.

Possibility to modify the system

Yes – you have the ability to modify the PS3 system software, and this is oneof the reasons why Sony introduced many updates to close the loopholes thatindependent developers were using to modify the system.

This led to the emergence of many modified systems for PS3 console devices onits various versions that enable you to run pirated games Free on your devicewithout paying any money.

All PlayStation 3 devices and all their currently available versions have beenhacked and customized for, each of the versions offered by Sony has its ownmodified system.

Many sites provide you with the ability to download games on your device andwithout problems.

Problems detected on the PS3 console

PlayStation 3 fat

As for all devices, when they are launched for the first time, errors willappear in terms of the system or in terms of hardware, and this is whathappened with the Sony PS3 fat device, especially the versions that came insizes (20 GB, 40 GB)

The worst of these problems is what is known as the problem of the yellowlight, this problem due to the high-temperature device temperature.

The problem was solved in the following versions of the same device, but theproblem of annoying fan noise also appeared during the long operation of thedevice.

The solution to the problem may be simple, which is due to the accumulation ofdust on the fan, and cleaning it will solve the problem.

PlayStation 3 slim

Although the ps3 slim is the second version after the PS3 fat, it is obviousthat all the problems that appeared in the previous version will be resolved.

Of course, they did, but other unexpected problems appeared, and among theseproblems that users faced is the device not reading the game disc Also.

Some people complained about the problem of the high temperature of the devicewhile playing, and also the problem of freezing games or the system, and thered light, which was previously the yellow light on the PS3 fat device.

PlayStation 3 super slim

The problem that could be the biggest negative for many users of the Sony PS3super slim, which is the external shape and design and ps3 super slimperformance.

The design is much smaller and thinner than previous versions, as the shapeand method of placing the game disc inside the device has been changed as itbecame manual where it was in previous devices through drag and drop, and thepresence of a sliding cover for the disc reader.

Also, the disc cover is somewhat thin, so you may hear some noise whileoperating the device, and like previous versions, I found some heat problemsin some PS3 Super Slim devices, and most of these problems are the lack ofinternal cleanliness of the device.

PS3 fat vs slim vs super slim performance

playstation 3 console versions has had three different hardware modelsreleased over its lifetime: the playstation 3 fat, slim, and super slimmodels.

ps3 console differences between these models are their physical design,storage capacity, and power consumption.

The playstation 3 fat

The playstation 3 fat was the first released on November 17, 2006, in NorthAmerica, and had a larger, bulkier design.

It also had a smaller hard drive capacity compared to the ps3 slim and superslim models, with options ranging from 20 GB to 80 GB with ability to upgradestorage to 500 GB or higher.

playstation 3 slim

playstation 3 slim was released on September 1, 2009, and had a more streamlineddesign.

It had a large hard drive capacity compared to the ps3 fat model, with optionsranging from 120 GB to 320 GB with ability to upgrade storage.

The ps3 slim model also used less power and was generally quieter than the fatmodel.

ps3 super slim

ps3 super slim release date on September 28, 2012, and had a design that waseven more compact and lightweight than the PlayStation 3 slim model.

It had a similar hard drive capacity to the ps3 slim model, with optionsranging from 12 GB to 500 GB with ability to upgrade storage.

The super slim model also used less power than the fat model and was evenquieter than the slim model.

Overall, the main differences between the PS3 fat, slim, and super slim modelsare their physical design, storage capacity, and power consumption.

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