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Home keeper password manager review 2025 – Safe your Passwords

keeper password manager review 2025 – Safe your Passwords

keeper Manager Review 2023 - Safe your Passwords With keeper
By Zouani
17 Feb-2023

Like many password managers on the Internet, Keeper comes with a lot of strongpromises to users, but how long can it stand in the shadow of strongcompetition against other programs that provide the same service.

In this article, we will try to judge the keeper service for managingand protecting passwords , through five main aspects, namely, features, security and privacy, ease ofuse, plans and pricing, in addition to technical support.

Currently, Keeper is one of the best online password managers you can spend your money on, thanks to its plethora of excellent and powerfulfeatures, as well as its ease of use, with a range of affordable price plansto choose from.

Keeper password manager features

Since Keeper manager is considered one of the best and leading passwordmanagers in the market, this service is expected to offer a lot of powerfulfeatures to its users, and in this respect, Keeper will never disappoint you.

  • keeper password generator which will help you create complex passwords every time you create a new account on the Internet, as it generates passwords consisting of 12 characters (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols).
  • Keeper password sharing allows for secure sharing, thanks to the feature of protecting the sharing of passwords between users of the service, you will be able to fully control the level that you want to give to the person with whom you share your password.
  • Digital vault, which will allow you to purchase secure cloud storage alongside your subscription to the service, With the basic plan, you can store up to 5 files, but there is an option to expand the space to 1 TB if you need to.
  • Keeper keeps every copy of your login details, which will allow you to find all the passwords you have used since you used Keeper.
  • Biometric login is another feature in Keeper Login, which will allow you to login to your account using face ID or by fingerprint in addition to registering via personal account.
  • Keeper Fill auto complete which will help you fill out forms on all platforms, if you are using Mac or Windows you can assign it to keyboard shortcuts.

These features that we mentioned are basic features that should be availablein every Password manager program , Keeper tool provides all these features in addition to other advancedfeatures that you will find in the service.

Keeper manager: Security

Keeper keeps up with the strong security standards of all security andencryption software, protecting your data and encrypting it with AES-256security standard.

In addition, it stores passwords encrypted according to ISO-27001 and SOC-2standards, which is quite impressive.

keeper uses the Zero-Knowledge feature, this means that the company does nothave access to your account or passwords, instead, the tool generates anencryption key based on the master password of the user account.

The encryption key is used to encrypt and decrypt your vault with a differentAES-256 key, therefore, Zero-Knowledge Privacy is very important to enhancetrust between the service and the user.

However, keep in mind that Keeper will not help you if you have forgotten orlost your primary account login password, but be sure to complete all accountrecovery steps while registering a new account on the Keeper Website.

Another security measure that is provided on Keeper is two-factorauthentication, although the platform provides great strength in terms ofaccount security, but another security addition is a good thing to add anotherlayer of security.

Keeper pricing: Plans

Keeper offers suitable and affordable price plans, and offers prices that areslightly lower than most of its competitors, as it offers a wide range ofplans, allowing different users to choose the plan that suits them.

  • keeper free plan It is a somewhat limited plan, and it can only be used on one device, and it does not support the autofill feature.
  • Personal plan, costs $2.91/Mo payable every year, and comes with unlimited password storage.
  • Keeper max aimed at people, which will provide you with a dark web screen, KeeperChat feature, in addition to the basic features, and the price starts from $4.87/Mo.
  • Keeper Family, which costs $6.24/Mo, will provide 5 Private Vaults, up to 10 GB of cloud storage, and unlimited password storage.
  • Team oriented plans, with Active Directory integration, Single sign-on support, pricing is not fixed, will change depending on who is on the team.

Ease of use

Keeper will surprise you with how easy and simple it is to set up and use,even users who have no previous experience with password manager applicationswill not have a problem while using it or setting it up.

The first thing you have to do is register for Keeper free trial on theofficial website of the company, you just need a valid email address, the trial period lasts for 30 days for individuals and 14 days forcompanies.

It will ask you for a master password and a security question, which should beeasy to remember because it is the only one that will enable you to recoveryour account if you have forgotten the password to log into your account.

The application will ask you to import the passwords that you have saved onyour browser or on other password saving applications.

The main interface is straightforward, intuitive, and easy to use across allplatforms, Besides, users can create usernames and passwords for theiraccounts in the app.

Another feature aimed at ease of use is the autofill feature, which will helpyou fill out forms in advance when visiting sites where you have registeredaccounts and saved in Keeper.

Keeper: customer support

Like most respected password manager providers, Keeper support offers 24/7live chat and email support.

In addition to its own self-help resources, it provides users withcomprehensive guides that touch on all aspects of its service without beingtoo technical.

The help button is located at the bottom of the site page under the name (HelpCenter), you will be taken directly to the support center, and there you willcheck the status of the Keeper system, read frequently asked questions, andsubscribe to webinars, in addition to educational videos about the service.


Keeper is a great, powerful password manager that delivers exceptional resultsin all respects, and while it’s not #1 in this category, but the rankings asone of the best password managers online.

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