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Home LastPass Password Manager Reviews: Best To Manage And Safe Your Passwords

LastPass Password Manager Reviews: Best To Manage And Safe Your Passwords

LastPass password manager reviews: best to manage and safe your passwords
By Zouani
17 Feb-2023

Did you know that approximately 6.85 million accounts around the world arehacked every day? Yes, this is a real number, the internet is one of the bestthings in our world, but it can be a curse for many.

With the presence of Internet hackers, intruders, and hackers who are lookingfor any loophole or error that they can exploit to hack accounts or personaldata, there is a great demand for ways to protect against these breaches.

The Internet can be a very dangerous place when it comes to private data,especially when it comes to personal accounts, so protection and securityexperts always advise not to use the same password on many accounts.

The reason for this warning came after studies that were conducted, that thereare about 51% of people in the world who use the same password while creatingnew accounts on a website or personal work accounts.

The strange thing is that there are many people who use very weak passwordsthat can be guessed, such as (123456789), and this makes it easier for hackersto guess passwords and make it easier for them to hack accounts. 

Fortunately, there are solutions for every problem on the Internet, and thebest solution to the problem of passwords is to use a reliablepassword manager, which will help you secure your passwords , in addition to helping you create strong passwords. 

In this password manager reviews, we will talk about one of the bestpassword managers on the Internet, LastPass manager, and we will touch on themost important aspects of the review, which are features, security, ease ofuse, support, plans, and pricing. 

LastPass Features

If you do not have previous experience with password manager services on theInternet, you will not know how the Password Manager service works , and the use of this service may be complicated for beginners.

LastPass password manager comes with many powerful features, and thething that makes it good for those with little experience is that the serviceperfectly combines the basic features of the service with advanced features,which makes it a good choice for beginners or professionals.

Even LastPass free plan comes with features that rival some of thepremium password manager on the internet, and to be honest, you won’t find anyfree online option that can compete with LastPass free plan in terms offeatures.

  • LastPass auto-complete, which enables the user to retrieve account details and fill them in automatically, LastPass will recognize the site and fill in the necessary data quickly and with one click.
  • LastPass password generator In addition to generating usernames, although it is a basic feature that is present in all password manager services, it is considered the most important feature that must be present in all of these services.

The reason a password generator is important is that many users don’tput any effort into creating good and strong passwords, so a passwordgenerator will make it easier for them, as it will generate strong andhard-to-guess passwords.

  • Last pass Emergency access, which will give powers to other people you trust to access your accounts if the need arises, and is useful in emergency situations, or something that requires sharing your information with another person.

The service is available to premium subscribers only, people can be added byadding their e-mail, and the person will be able to send a request to accessyour store, you will receive a notification in your mail of acceptance orrejection, and you have all the time necessary to accept or reject therequest.

  • LastPass sharing, if there is a need to share one of your account’s information with another person, this option is present, and the feature is available only to premium subscribers, who use LastPass as their password manager.

LastPass: Security

The security policies of password managers can make a big difference, sinceyour account credentials and passwords are not secure without advanceddetection of cryptographic threats.

Fortunately, LastPass is one of the most reliable providers when it comes tosecurity, data encryption and protection.

With LastPass zero knowledge, the company does not sell, track, oraccess any information stored in the user’s safe.

All encryption and decryption occurs at the device level, which limits thepossibility of any party accessing your information.

LastPass uses AES-256Bit encryption to secure data, remember that this type ofencryption is used by banks, governments, militaries, and leading securitycompanies in the world to protect and encrypt data, making it almostimpossible to hack.

LastPass app also uses advanced transport layer security, which helps thwartpotential attacks in transit, as well as other security options likemultifactor authentication and security challenge.

Multiple Authentication gives you the option to add additional authenticationoptions depending on your preference, where you can use third-partyauthentication tools such as YubiKey for desktop or laptop computer,fingerprint, or USB drive of a compatible device.

This extra layer of security means that even if your main account password iscompromised, hackers won’t be able to access your information unless theycomplete multiple authentication steps.

The Security Challenge feature audits the strength of your passwords, makingsure that you have effective and secure passwords, and that your onlineaccounts are not vulnerable to any potential security threat or hack.

LastPass also allows the use of a one-time password or OTP when accessing youraccount.

This is useful when logging into your account through an untrusted orpotentially dangerous device to your LastPass account.

To use the OTP feature, you need to ask LastPass to create a new loginpassword.

Once you log in with the new password once, you will not be able to use itagain.

Easy and use

While there are apps that are compatible with platforms like windows, macOS,iPhone, and Android, LastPass is more powerful when it comes to browsers.

Last pass extension is supported in all existing browsers, allowingusers to enjoy their password management experience with LastPass extension inany browser they prefer.

There is a single sign-in option, which means that once you sign in toLastPass through the browser, the browser extension will automatically fill inthe data when you visit websites registered to your LastPass account.

Despite the distinctive functions that you will get through the LastPassextension, you still need to download the LastPass application on one of yourdevices, because through it, you will be able to manage your account and savedpasswords.

LastPass is well-designed, has a nice and easy-to-navigate interface, and nomatter what device you’re using, you’ll enjoy a seamless password managementexperience, and you’ll like the way the data is categorized into various.

LastPass Plan: Pricing

The first thing worth noting about LastPass’s price plans is theLastPass free plan, and to be honest, you’d be hard-pressed to find anotheroption that could rival the LastPass freemium features.

However, the free plan is limited in terms of features, as it does not comewith cloud storage, emergency access, or a 2FA option.

LastPass Plan: Pricing

LastPass, unlike most password managers, offers two unique products for thoselooking to secure and manage passwords and credentials automatically.

  • LastPass premium plan which costs $36/year’s and comes with do priority email support, advanced authentication options, emergency access, password sharing, and 1 GB of secure cloud storage.
  • LastPass family plan, which costs $48/Mo, and is an ideal plan for the family because it provides unlimited sharing and accommodates up to 6 users in the same account, in addition to all the features of the premium plan, with the feature of unlimited shared folders, and a custom control panel.
  • LastPass teams plan, and it comes with 4 exclusive plans (MFA, Teams, Enterprise, identity).

LastPass MFA only offers more security through multifactor authentication andcomes at a price of $3/Mo.

LastPass Teams costs $4/Mo, LastPass Enterprise costs $6/Mo and LastPassIdentity costs $8/Mo per user per month.

LastPass: Customer Support

When it comes to customer service that LastPass provides, it does a good job,providing useful answers to difficult questions when it comes to the servicethey provide, however, contacting support directly may be a bit daunting.

Limited options are available and high priority is given to premium users, andresponses to questions from free subscribers are often ignored.

This does not mean that LastPass support is useless, as their siteoffers a wide range of tutorials, answers to frequently asked questions, andvideo tutorials on how to solve problems or use their services.

LastPass has 3 Twitter accounts for them, one for online supportMonday-Friday, a second for blog posts and general updates, and a thirdaccount for notifying users of service outages or resolved issues.


LastPass uses advanced and very strong encryption techniques, making it areliable repository of your sensitive data and passwords.

However, it is always advised to be cautious and enable additional securitymeasures for any possibilities of hacking or theft.

Although LastPass primarily works online, it also offers offline access toyour passwords through its mobile apps, ensuring access even when there’s nointernet connection.
LastPass uses a zero-knowledge security model, ensuring that even if a breachoccurs, your encrypted data remains indecipherable.


LastPass emerges as a strong advocate, offering a powerful and easy-to-usesolution for managing and protecting your passwords.

Its combination of security, functionality, and accessibility makes it anindispensable tool in fortifying your accounts and protecting them from anythird parties.

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