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Home Do really Necessary Buy Antivirus Software To Protect My Device?

Do really Necessary Buy Antivirus Software To Protect My Device?

Do really Necessary Buy Antivirus Software To Protect My Device?
By Zouani
13 Mar-2023

As we know, the world did not remain the same after the advent of theInternet, as it changed a lot in people’s lives either in a positive ornegative way, and it brought many features that helped in the growth ofhumanity, but on the other hand, it also brought with it some negatives andrisks.

Given that most people keep their sensitive data on their smartphones orpersonal computers, the dark side of the Internet has emerged, which iscybercrime and data theft.

History Of Computer Viruses It started since the advent of the Internet, and its aim is to steal people’sdata and use it illegally, and many of these viruses are phishing viruses,scams, or ransomware.

According to Forbes, cybercrime damages cost the world more than $6 trillionin 2021, and AV-Test reveals that more than 350,000 malware samples appearevery day, Yes, that’s a scary statistic.

With all these numbers, we conclude that malware and ransomware cannot becontrolled in any way, and the most important way to defend against thesesecurity threats and protect your privacy is to prevent them through a strongand effective protection program.

If you want not to be a victim of cybercrime, you need to protect all yourdevices that access the Internet, because the Internet is the gateway betweenyour device and viruses.

There are a lot of free antivirus programs for PC or smartphone on the Internet, so there is a frequently asked question:With the presence of these free programs, do I really need a paid protectionprogram?

Well, the answer is yes, if you are serious about protecting your personaldata and your internet-related devices from any potential security threat, apremium antivirus program is a must-have.

Cons of Free Antivirus Software

Free antivirus software lacks comprehensive protection, and although there isa built-in Windows ( Windows defender antivirus ), you’ll only get basic protection from malware and very limited features.

This means that if you require advanced protection features, you willnot get them if you are a free user of the program, and also, these freeprograms often come with annoying ads, or sell your private information tothird parties.

Well, it might make sense for these companies to integrate advertisements orsell some information to third parties through their free applications inorder for their work and applications to continue to spread.

Another drawback that comes with free antivirus software is the lack ofcustomer support for free users, this makes a lot of sense, know thatcompanies are not going to spend their time and money on free users when theycan solve the problems of their premium customers.

Is Premium Antivirus Worth It?

The most important feature that antivirus software will offer you is a widerange of security-enhancing features, including:

  • Anti-phishing and fraud
  • vpn
  • Password manager
  • Shred files
  • Parental control
  • Identity theft protection
  • Camera and microphone protection

In addition to increasing your protection with multi-layered protectionagainst viruses, malware, ransomware and spyware, because most of the time asingle layer of protection may not be enough against complex viruses.

In addition, customer support for premium subscribers will provide all thenecessary attention to answer their questions and problems, through live chat,by phone, or by e-mail.

In some of the paid plans that are provided, a group of devices can beprotected with only one subscription, where they will get all the necessaryprotection for their devices, and this is not available in the free plans.

Which antivirus software should you pick?

With so many security programs making different claims about being the bestantivirus on the market, choosing can be a bit of a daunting task.

To help you choose, we’ve compiled some previous reviews and ratings of the best antivirus software on the market, and the one that caught our eye the most is Norten antivirus.

Norton AntiVirus is a well-known and reliable antivirus program that providesmany features to protect your devices from viruses and malware, and among thefeatures it offers:

  • Real-time protection: Norton AntiVirus constantly checks for new files and programs to make sure there are no new threats.
  • Network Monitor: Norton Internet Security monitors your network and prevents access to harmful and potentially dangerous websites.
  • Auto Update: Norton antivirus software updates itself automatically to keep your device always protected.
  • Anti-malware: Norton Total Security detects and removes malware from your computer.
  • Phishing Protection: Norton Anti Spyware detects and blocks phishing messages and phishing websites.
  • Multi-layered protection: Norton Protection provides multi-layered protection to protect the device from malicious attacks and determine the security ratio of different files.
  • Firewall: Norton security antivirus provides a powerful firewall to prevent malicious attacks on the device.
  • Multiple Protection: With Norton for multiple devices, you’ll be able to protect multiple devices with just one subscription.
All in all, Nortons 360 has several advanced and reliable features to protectyour computer and personnel files from malicious threats, malware, andviruses.

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