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Home This Way You Can Unblock All YouTube Videos Blocked In Your Country

This Way You Can Unblock All YouTube Videos Blocked In Your Country

This Way You Can Unblock All YouTube Videos Blocked In Your Country
By Zouani
16 Mar-2023

Not being able to watch videos on YouTube can be very frustrating, whetherit is due to geo-blocks that some countries may apply or networkrestriction, if you are in a similar situation then this article willdefinitely help you to unblock YouTube blocks.

Nowadays, the world doesn’t have a bigger video platform than YouTube, withover 2.3 billion monthly active users, it would be very silly to argue withthat claim.

YouTube is not only the largest platform for displaying visual content inthe world, but it is also considered the second-largest social networkingplatform on the Internet after the Facebook platform, so it is no wonderthat the platform gets more than 5 billion views every day. 

However, despite being the premier destination for all videos, and widelyrecognized as the best educational digital tool, not everyone has access toall the videos on YouTube.

For some people, their problem lies in accessing YouTube videos due to thegeographical blockage imposed by some countries, while others may be due tothe network blockage, in addition to YouTube blocking some videos in somecountries.

What Are Reasons To Block YouTube or Some Videos

If you are at work or school, there is a possibility thataccess to YouTube has been blocked in the entire network that you areconnected to, it may be due to the laws that are being implemented withinthe school or company in order to improve productivity and eliminatedistractions.

Well, we believe that everyone has the right to access any content on theInternet, provided that this content is not illegal, and as we mentionedearlier, the YouTube platform is one of the largest educational platforms onthe Internet.

Therefore, it is unfair that students, in particular, are denied access tothis content because it is considered useful to them.

And even for people who work in companies or institutions, educationalcontent may provide them with many solutions to perform their daily workwithin the company or institution.

Another reason that YouTube content may be blocked is censorship, as manycountries place strict censorship on the Internet, and this strictnessvaries from one country to another.

For example, all YouTube content is blocked in China, but you mayfind that in North Korea you only view a certain type of video.

However, even if the country you reside in does not censor the Internet,some YouTube videos may be blocked due to copyright laws.

For example, you may post some videos on YouTube that are licensed only forviewing in the United States of America, so YouTube will prevent thesevideos from being shown anywhere other than the United States in accordancewith copyright regulations. 

What I Can Check If YouTube Videos Blocked in My Device

If you’re unable to access a specific YouTube video or channel, there are afew things you can try to check it:

  • Check your network settings: If you’re unable to access the video or channel on your network, try resetting your network settings or contacting your internet service provider (ISP) to see if they have blocked the YouTube content in your network.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, clearing your browser cache and cookies can help to unblock content that is being blocked due to a temporary issue.
  • Contact YouTube support: If none of the above solutions work, you can contact YouTube support for help, They may be able to provide more information on why the video or channel is blocked and help you to access it.

It’s important to note that some content may be blocked for valid reasons,such as violation of community guidelines or copyright infringement.

If this is the case, you may not be able to access the content even aftertrying the above solutions.

How Can to Unblock YouTube Videos

There really are various ways to unblock YouTube, you may use a VPN, a proxyserver or web browser add-on, the Tor browser or any website to give youaccess to blocked YouTube videos in your region.

Via VPN service

The best way to prevent YouTube videos from being blocked that we recommendis by using a VPN, you may ask which VPN is suitable for this task? I thinkany free or premium VPN will do the job without a problem.

Well, if you need a solidVPNthat will help you unblock YouTube, as well as get all the anti-tracking andsecurity features that are useful if you are in a country that heavilycensors content, then NordVPN is your excellent choice.

NordVPNis currently considered one of the best virtual private networks on theInternet, as it provides strong performance with high speed, with theability to open any blocked website in your network or geographicallocation.

Keeping your identity hidden on the Internet is one of the features that youwill get with NordVPN, along with a no-logs policy, and a lot of otherfeatures.

Access to blocked YouTube videos via using proxy

proxy is a website that offered a way toaccess unblock YouTube videos that were blocked in certain countriesor regions.

This was achieved by routing the user’s internet traffic through a differentserver or proxy, which made it appear as though the user was accessing theinternet from a different location.

Example proxy website’s:

Watch Blocked YouTube Videos via Chrome extension

Unblocker for YouTubeis a Google Chrome browser extension that allows users to access YouTubevideos that are blocked or restricted in their region.

The extension works by redirecting the user’s internet traffic through adifferent server, making it appear as though the user is accessing theinternet from a different location.

When a user installs the Unblocker for YouTube extension on their GoogleChrome browser, it automatically detects when the user is trying to access ablocked YouTube video and then redirects their internet traffic through aserver located in a different country where the video is not blocked. 

Important note

it’s important to note that using proxy websites or Extension to accessblocked content may not be legal, and it could also pose a risk to privacyand security.

The website may be collecting information about the user’s browsingactivity or serving ads that could be harmful or misleading.

It’s always recommended to use caution when accessing any website thatoffers to bypass content restrictions or blocks.

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