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Home ProtonMail Reviews: Analysis Of The Best Safe Email Service

ProtonMail Reviews: Analysis Of The Best Safe Email Service

ProtonMail Reviews
By Zouani
03 Jun-2023

Email has become an integral part of our lives, facilitating communication,sharing information and connecting people all over the world.

However, with the increasing importance of privacy and data security, and theincrease in theft of private information, the need for email services that provide respectful security for the data of its users also increases.

ProtonMail is one such service that has gained a lot of attention in recentyears due to its focus on strong encryption and commitment to userprivacy and protection of their data.

In this article, we’ll dive into ProtonMail email service reviews, explore itsfeatures, benefits, drawbacks, and overall user experience to help you decideif it’s the right choice for your email needs.

ProtonMail: Overview

ProtonMail is an email service provider that puts privacy and security first.

Launched in 2014 by a group of scientists from CERN and MIT, ProtonMail aimsto provide users with an encrypted email service that protects theircommunications from unauthorized access.

The service has gained popularity due to its strong encryption standards andits commitment to zero-access encryption, which means that not evenProtonMail itself can access the contents of your emails.

ProtonMail Features

ProtonMail is a secure email service that offers many features to protect yourprivacy and ensure the security of your communications.

Open Source: ProtonMail is an open source project, which means that its sourcecode is publicly available for review.

This increases transparency and allows security experts to audit the servicefor potential vulnerabilities.

Self-Destructing Emails: ProtonMail allows you to sendself-destructing emails, which automatically delete themselves after aset period of time.

This feature adds an extra layer of security and ensures that sensitiveinformation does not remain in the recipient’s inbox indefinitely.

Secure Contacts: ProtonMail provides a feature called Secure Contacts, whichallows you to send encrypted email messages to non-ProtonMail users.

You can encrypt email content and attachments with a password, and therecipient can decrypt the message with that password.

Tor support: ProtonMail supports access over the Tor network, allowing you tomaintain your privacy and anonymity while accessing your emails.

Compliant with PGP: ProtonMail is compliant with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), awidely used encryption standard for secure email communication.

This allows you to exchange encrypted email messages with users of otherPGP-enabled services.

Focused on privacy: ProtonMail is based in Switzerland, which has strongprivacy laws.

This ensures that your data is protected and not subject to extensivemonitoring or data retention practices.

User-friendly interface: ProtonMail provides an intuitive interface that iseasy to navigate and understand, making it accessible to both technical andnon-technical users.

These are some of the prominent features offered by ProtonMail. Byprioritizing security, privacy and user-friendly design, ProtonMail aims toprovide a secure email experience to its users.

ProtonMail disposable email addresses

ProtonMail Disposable Email Addresses is a feature that allows users tocreate temporary and disposable email addresses.

These addresses can be used for a variety of purposes, such as subscribing toonline services, newsletters, or platforms that require an email address toregister.

The primary advantage of disposable email addresses is that they help protect your privacy and reduce spam.

Instead of providing your actual email address, which is likely to be spammedor spammed, you can create a disposable address with ProtonMail’s Fake email feature.

ProtonMail Security Features

One of the main reasons users turn to ProtonMail is its strong securityfeatures to protect data.

As a good start, Proton is headquartered in Switzerland, well that means allyour personal information is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.

Compared to many countries this is very ideal for the choice ProtonMail asyour private email manager.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key aspects while protecting accounts :

# ProtonMail end-to-end encryption

ProtonMail uses end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only the intendedrecipient can decrypt and read your email messages.

This means that even if your messages are intercepted, they remain encryptedand secure from any attempt at theft.

Encryption keys are generated and stored locally on your device, ensuring thatonly you have access to your private keys.

# Encryption without access

In addition to end-to-end encryption, usesProtonMail zero-access encryption.

This means that ProtonMail servers cannot read the contents of your emails.

By encrypting your data before it reaches their servers, ProtonMail ensuresthat your messages remain private and cannot be accessed by anyone, includingyour service provider.

# Two-factor authentication

ProtonMail provides two-factor authentication (2FA) as an additional layer ofsecurity.

With 2FA enabled, you’ll need to provide a second form of verification, suchas a code generated by an authentication app or text message, in addition toyour password.

This greatly enhances the security of your ProtonMail account, protecting itfrom unauthorized access from any third parties.

# ProtonMail self-destructing emails

Another notable feature of ProtonMail is the ability to send self-destructingemails.

This feature allows you to set an expiry time for your emails, after whichthey are automatically deleted.

Self-destructing emails are especially useful when you need to send sensitiveor time-sensitive information that you want to ensure remains confidential.

Proton mail pricing

When it comes to the cost of ProtonMail plans, you will be surprised at thenumber of plans you can get, as ProtonMail strives to provide subscriptionsthat suit all categories of users.

Here you will find all the plans and subscriptions that ProtonMail offers toits subscribers.

# Proton Individuals

Proton Free Plan

In the free plan, you will get up to 1 GB of storage space, one email, and theability to send up to 150 messages per day.

In addition to that, you can get the Proton Colander feature, and theProton drive service, which will enable you to sync across devices and shareencrypted files.

With the availability of the Proton VPN feature, which will enable you to have1 medium speed VPN connection .

Proton Unlimited Plan

This subscription offers 3 plans to subscribe to, which are (monthly plan,annual plan, and 24-month plan)

All plans have the same features, only they differ in the price of the planduring subscription, as you will get a price reduction whenever you subscribeto a higher plan in terms of the subscription period.

  • Proton Unlimited for 1 month: starting at $11.99/Mo
  • Proton Unlimited for 12 Month: starting at $9.99/Mo
  • Proton Unlimited for 24 months: starting at $7.99/Mo

Features you will Get:

  • Up to 500 GB of storage space.
  • Up to 15 custom email addresses.
  • The ability to send and receive an unlimited number of emails.
  • Support for 3 custom email domains.
  • Unlimited folders, labels, and filters.
  • Hide my email aliases.
  • 25 calendars.
  • Share the calendar.
  • Sync across all devices.
  • Encrypted file sharing.
  • 10 high speed VPN connections.
  • VPN access to streaming services globally.
Proton mail pricing

Proton Business

This subscription is directed to companies, as these subscriptions will offer3 plans to subscribe to, namely (the monthly plan, the annual plan, and the24-month plan).

# ProtonMail Essentials Plan

  • Proton Essentials for one month: starting at $7.99/Mo
  • Proton Essentials for 12 months: starting at $6.99/Mo

Features you will get:

  • Up to 10 custom emails
  • Support for 3 e-mail magazines
  • Unlimited folders, labels, and filters
  • Manage contact groups
  • Share the calendar
  • 1 free VPN connection in total
  • 15 GB storage per user

# Proton Business Plan

  • Proton Business for one month: starting at $7.99/M
  • Proton Business for 12 months: starting at $10.99/Mo

Features you will get:

  • Up to 15 custom emails
  • Support for 10 e-mail magazines
  • Manage contact groups
  • Unlimited folders, labels, and filters
  • Manage contact groups
  • Share the calendar
  • 10 VPN connections per user
  • 500 GB storage per user
  • Hide my email aliases

# Proton Enterprise

Features you will get:

  • All features in the business plan
  • Designed to suit your needs
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Storage as needed
Proton Business plan

Proton Family Plan

Proton Family

This subscription is directed to families, as this subscription will offer 3plans to subscribe to, namely (the monthly plan, the annual plan, and the24-month plan).

You will get 3 TB of storage space, in addition to the ability to share theaccount with 6 members of the family.

  • 1-Monthly subscription starts at $29.99/Mo
  • 12-Month subscription starts at $23.99/Mo, with a 20% discount
  • 24-Months start from the price of $19.99/Mo, with a discount of 33%
Proton Family Plan

Proton user experience and interface

While ProtonMail prioritizes security, it also aims to provide an easy-to-useexperience.

The interface is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate, making it accessibleto both tech-savvy individuals and those new to securing email services.

ProtonMail offers both web-based and mobile applications, ensuring that userscan access their email messages seamlessly across various devices.

Proton user experience and interface

The service also integrates seamlessly with popular email clients like Outlookand Thunderbird, allowing you to use ProtonMail with your favorite emailprogram.

However, it is important to note that end-to-end encryption is only possiblewhen communicating with other ProtonMail users.

When emails are sent to non-ProtonMail recipients, encryption is notguaranteed.

Pros and cons of ProtonMail

# Pros

  • Strong encryption measures, including end-to-end and zero-access encryption, ensuring high levels of privacy and data security.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive design, making it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds.
  • Multiple pricing plans available to accommodate different user needs, including a free plan for casual users.
  • Integration with popular email clients, allowing for seamless use with preferred software.
  • Self-destructing emails feature, providing an extra layer of confidentiality for sensitive information.

# Cons

  • Limited end-to-end encryption when communicating with non-ProtonMail users.
  • Storage capacity may be insufficient for users with high email volume or those requiring extensive attachment uploads.
  • Some advanced features, such as catch-all email, are only available in higher-priced plans.
  • Certain features, like custom domain usage, require a paid subscription.


ProtonMail has established itself as a leading provider of secure emailservices, offering strong encryption, an easy-to-use user experience, andmultiple pricing plans to meet different users’ needs.

Through its commitment to privacy and data security, ProtonMail has earned thetrust of individuals, businesses, and organizations around the world.

While it does have some limitations, such as limited end-to-end encryptionwith non-ProtonMail users, the general benefits make it a compelling optionfor those looking for a secure email solution.

Consider your specific requirements and thepros and cons of ProtonMail outlined in this review to decide ifProtonMail is right for you.

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